Kevin R. Weaver | |||
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Mathematics is not just about solving for X Tutoring is available: in person one-on-one, small groups or via the internet. | |||
Business Professional · Former High School Mathematics Teacher · College Professor Highly Experienced (30+ years) as a one-on-one math tutor and full test tutor for the SAT, ACT, and the SSAT and ISEE with exceptional results... | |||
Up-Coming SAT Dates: 2024: Dec 72025: Mar 8; May 3; June 7; Aug 23; Oct 4; Nov 8; Dec 6Up-Coming ACT Dates: 2024: Dec. 14 2025: Feb 8; Apr 5; June 14; July 12 | |||
The adaptive digitsl SAT format includes 2 modules each for the R/W and Math
Tutoring is available via the internet or locally in San Diego. April 2014 (71H), June 2014 (72C), December 2014 (72G),
Presentation (MP4): Challenging ACT Problems: |
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5370 Toscana Way · San Diego, CA 92122 · (858) 678-8915 or send an email | |||
(2014 Student) "He scored a 730 in math on the latest test. He's very pleased as we are. We wish we had used you from the beginning." (2014 Parent) "740 CR, 760 math, 750 WR..." (2014 Student) "I just got my SAT IIC score and got a 750. I'm pretty excited...thanks for all the help." "Matt sent me a text this morning from school to tell me he received a 95% on his [geometry] final!! You could feel the excitement and pride in his words. He now has a solid A in that class! (Parent) "I'm so happy with the result - a 790 [SAT Math Subject Test, Level 2] ... I know that your (2011 student) "She was accepted at her first choice {as well as four other schools} and is 'over the moon' with excitement. You were so instrumental in this and saved her math..." (parent of 2009 student) "She went from the mid-500s in math to the high 600s after two intense weeks of tutoring. Knowing the right strategies is obviously very important. Fantastic!" (parent of 2010 student) "We're so happy with Sarah's May 2008 scores: 800 in Critical Reading; 750 in Writing (12 on the essay); 720 in Math." "Kevin has been amazing for Justin. Justin improved by leaps and bounds. He loves the way he's learing vocab. Kevin's technique is really excellent in building vocabulary." (parent of 2008 student) "...let me take this opportunity to tell you how terrific you have been -- You have really gotten Sarah to relate and react to your teaching methods – which is a rare and special ability in any teacher." (parent of 2008 student) "...she left school for her winter break and was failing math. After intensive tutoring in math for 3 weeks, she returned to s chool, made up her missed tests, and to everyone's amazement (and pleasure), she finished the semester with a B. What results!" (parent of 2009 student) "...twelve weeks of solid SAT prep and he scored in the mid-700s on English and Critical Reading and 780 in math." (parent of 2009 student) | |||
© 2009 - 2023 Kevin R. Weaver |